Lost and Found allows you to track any items that have been lost at your property, if and when they have been found, and if and when they were returned.
The Lost and Found screen allows you to enter information about items that have been reported as lost, items that have been found but not yet reported lost, and log the information used to return a found item to its owner.
Every item entered appears listed on the left side of the Lost and Found screen. Selecting an item from the list displays it in the detail view on the right side of the screen, allowing you to easily see what the current status of the item is, along with additional information regarding the item.
Thus, if a guest calls to report an item as lost, you can check this list to determine if the item had been found and turned in. If so, the screen should provide sufficient detail to allow the guest to describe the item, and if it is theirs, provide information such as mailing address for returning the item to them.
you can also use the Print Receipt button on the local tool bar of the screen to generate a printable receipt for each item entered into the Lost and Found.
Depending on your Skyware Systems set-up, you may or may not have a quick menu option for Housekeeping.
If you can, Select Housekeeping => from the Quick Menu on the left side of the screen, to open the Housekeeping Menu screen.
Or you can reach the Housekeeping Menu using the Full Menu.
Click the icon on the left for the Full menu.
This will display the Full menu in a tabular form, with four sections, Registration, Status, Cashier and Other.
From the Other Section, select Housekeeping =>.
The Housekeeping Menu screen will open when accessed.
The Housekeeping Menu has two sections, Housekeeping Menu 1 and Housekeeping Menu 2. Lost and Found is in Housekeeping Menu 2.
You can ALSO find the Lost and Found command by using the Other Front Desk Tasks Menu screen.
From the quick menu (left) choose Other => to be taken to the Other Front Desk Tasks screen.
The OTHER FRONT DESK TASKS menu has 4 sections, Other List 1, Documents, Other List 2 and Web.
The Lost and Found command is in the Other List 2 section.
When you click on the Lost and Found command, the screen will open.
The Lost and Found screen display is split into two frames, with the left side of the screen listing any already entered items and the right side containing the fields you need to complete in order to add or edit a Lost and Found entry for your property. Any changes made on the right, once saved, will be updated in the listings to the left.
The right side also contains a section for the details of the RETURN oft the lost item, if and when this occurs.
Selecting any Lost and Found entry on the left will display the details on the right.
Your options include the following:
Generate a new entry:
Click the New button from the toolbar to add a new Lost and Found entry.
Complete the fields described below.
Select an existing Lost and Found entry from the list on the left, and click the Replicate button from the toolbar. Then change the field information as described below.
Edit the current selection:
Change the field information described below.
Control #: The control number is designated by Skyware Systems and will be generated when the entry is saved.
Date entered: The date that this Lost and Found entry was generated. This is automatically generated when you create the entry.
Description: This is the description of the item. It should be short but easily recognizable by your staff. More details can be entered into the "comments" section.
This field is required.
Status: This is the status of the item. You can manually enter it into the field, or you can click the button to the right of the field to display a pop-up window that lists all of the already configured Lost and Found statuses you have at your Property. Choose one.
This field is required.
Date Lost: If the item was reported as lost, complete this section. Use the drop-down menus to select year, month and day, or click on the calender icon to choose the appropriate date.
Date Found: If the item was a found item, complete this section. Use the drop-down menus to select year, month and day, or click on the calender icon to choose the appropriate date.
Note: An item that was both reported lost and then subsequently found will have both these dates completed.
Room #: If the room number in which an item was lost or found is known, enter it here.
Location: If the location (not a guest room) an item was lost or found is known, enter it here.
Reported By: This should be the member of your staff that either found the item, had an item handed into, or took the "lost item" report.
Comments: Enter any additional information on the Lost or Found item here, including all pertinent details either your guest will need to provide to prove ownership of said item, or you staff may need to match an item with a found item if it has previously been reported lost.
For example, if the description of the item is an umbrella, then the comment section should include details such as color, size, if it is collapsible, etc.
IF you are TAKING A LOST ITEM REPORT, OR RETURNING an item to a guest, you should complete the next section with all relevant details. Some fields in this section can be completed before the item is found, to make it simpler when the item is found to make the return. Be sure to update the Status field if the item is subsequently found or returned..
Note: BE SURE to enter Return information into the form, so that if there are questions regarding the return, the date, guest name, phone number, and other information can be quickly and easily accessed. This is especially important of valuable items that may need to be closely tracked.
Return Date: This is the date the lost item was returned to the guest. Use the drop-down menus to select year, month and day, or click on the calender icon to choose the appropriate date.
Return Via: How was the item returned? Or should be? Was it handed over in person, or mailed? Complete this field manually.
Return Name: To whom was the item returned? Or should be notified if it is found? Complete this field with the relevant name.
Phone #: Complete this field if the guest was/is to be notified by telephone when the item was/is found.
Return address: If the found item is to be mailed to the owner, complete the address fields.
Entered by: This is the name of the person who CREATED the entry in the lost and found screen, and is generated by Skyware Systems.
When you are finished adding or editing a Lost and Found entry, click the Save button to save the changes.
To view any changes made, click the Activity log button in the local tool bar.
Date Updated December 01, 2022